
scottlowe 2018-01-16T19:29:53.000584Z

I've tried everything that I can think of to disable the DEBUG [org.apache.http.wire ... verbose HTTP client log output to the console, but I just can't get it to stop. Has anybody else managed to do this?

scottlowe 2018-01-16T19:34:11.000388Z

This issue is seen when running lein test

scottlowe 2018-01-16T19:34:34.000112Z

I've tried (System/setProperty "org.apache.commons.logging.Log" "org.apache.commons.logging.impl.NoOpLog")

scottlowe 2018-01-16T19:35:20.000470Z

I've also tried setting a file and also (-> (Logger/getLogger "org.apache.http.impl.client") (.setLevel Level/OFF))

scottlowe 2018-01-16T19:36:02.000352Z

... amongst many many other things. I've tried all sorts of log name strings and nothing seems to affect the debug output.

borkdude 2018-01-16T20:02:34.000020Z

Is this coming from etaoin? (just checking)

borkdude 2018-01-16T20:04:34.000539Z

isn’t apache http client using log4j2? then try

scottlowe 2018-01-16T20:21:02.000206Z

It's coming from an Etaoin dependency, yes. Well, at least I think it is; perhaps I'm wrong. I didn't know that one could make a file. Thanks. Will try that right now

scottlowe 2018-01-16T20:34:24.000395Z

Hrm. No luck with that. I think that I'll check out the Etaoin code locally and investigate that. Perhaps it isn't Etaoin, but at least I can rule it out.

scottlowe 2018-01-16T20:34:46.000466Z

Certainly, Etaoin has a log4j file, but I can't seem to override it:

borkdude 2018-01-16T20:35:41.000054Z

Haven’t seen these logs before, FWIW


@scottlowe: one problem is Etaoin includes log4j as a dependency and it shouldn’t. Ideally Etaoin, would remove this line from project.clj and leave it to the application to choose an SLF4J backend ( uses SLF4j to abstract across loggers). If the Etaoin developers want to use log4j to develop etaoin then they could set log4j as a :provided scope/dependency. But you can probably work around by adding an :exclusions [log4j/log4j] bit to your etaoin coordinate.

scottlowe 2018-01-16T22:43:21.000213Z

@rickmoynihan Thanks! I was close... I excluded everything else that I could think of, except that, because I thought it was required. BRB

scottlowe 2018-01-16T22:56:30.000378Z

Damn. No luck there, either. Giving up for now. Will return to this tomorrow.