
igrishaev 2018-02-01T07:28:34.000145Z

Yes, will add a “screenshots” section in readme

👍 1

Cool. @igrishaev. Ive tested this succesfully on OSX using the driver downloads you suggest in the docs, but the same download links yields a Linux driver which your lib does not accept. It says it needs a driver > 62, which the google page says it is

igrishaev 2018-02-01T15:25:26.000456Z

@laujensen where did you download a driver? It should be there:

igrishaev 2018-02-01T15:25:46.000638Z

download the file and unzip it

igrishaev 2018-02-01T15:26:10.000489Z

then put it somewhere in the PATH


Thats what I did, and it worked. Then I downloaded the LInux version and tried it on my linux box, and it breaks


Feb 01 15:57:38 archlinux lein[15483]: Caused by: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: throw+: {:response {:sessionId “67460c0d53b90e79a6b11a5ffbd2b82b”, :status 33, :value {:message “session not created exception: Chrome version must be &gt;= 62.0.3202.0\n  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.35.528139 (47ead77cb35ad2a9a83248b292151462a66cd881),platform=Linux 4.14.12-x86_64-linode92 x86_64)“}}, :path “session”, :payload {:desiredCapabilities {:loggingPrefs {:browser “ALL”}, :chromeOptions {:args (“--window-size=1280,1024” “--headless”)}}}, :method :post, :type :etaoin/http-error, :port 9515, :host “”, :status 200, :driver {:args (“bin/chromedriver-linux” “--port=9515”), :headless true, :capabilities {:loggingPrefs {:browser “ALL”}, :chromeOptions {:args (“--window-size=1280,1024” “--headless”)}}, :process #object[java.lang.UNIXProcess 0x4237aaa6 “java.lang.UNIXProcess@4237aaa6”], :locator “xpath”, :type :chrome, :env nil, :port 9515, :host “”, :url “<}}|"}}> {:response {:sessionId “67460c0d53b90e79a6b11a5ffbd2b82b”, :status 33, :value {:message “session not created exception: Chrome version must be &gt;= 62.0.3202.0\n  (Driver info: chromedriver=2.35.528139 (47ead77cb35ad2a9a83248b292151462a66cd881),platform=Linux 4.14.12-x86_64-linode92 x86_64)“}}, :path “session”, :payload {:desiredCapabilities {:loggingPrefs {:browser “ALL”}, :chromeOptions {:args (“--window-size=1280,1024” “--headless”)}}}, :method :post, :type :etaoin/http-error, :port 9515, :host “”, :status 200, :driver {:args (“bin/chromedriver-linux” “--port=9515”), :headless true, :capabilities {:loggingPrefs {:browser “ALL”}, :chromeOptions {:args (“--window-size=1280,1024” “--headless”)}}, :process #object[java.lang.UNIXProcess 0x4237aaa6 “java.lang.UNIXProcess@4237aaa6”], :locator “xpath”, :type :chrome, :env nil, :port 9515, :host “”, :url “<}}|"}}>


The gecko-driver works