Hello, etaoin is awesome but how can I make it silent? It’s now shouting everything out on debug
level. I mean, I’m getting tons of this when I run lein test
18-07-08 19:02:07 d0513dd7b56a DEBUG [etaoin.client:288] - chrome-headless headless-chrome:4444 POST session/3a54b9e4007f03a334516a93962b437f/element {:using "xpath", :value ".//*[@id=\"account-btn\"]"}
I already figured out that etaoin uses clojure/tools.logging
which uses log4j
which is configured by putting log4j.properties
under resources/
which I’ve done but no effect.
I’ve probably understood or done something wrong
My resources/log4j.properties
looks like this:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, console
log4j.appender.console.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c: %m%n
I have quite limited understanding what comes to configuring java loggers, so all help is appreciated. 🙂I don’t have :resource-paths
entry in project.clj
, so I guess it falls back to defaults. I can see resources
folder when I run lein classpath
Hmmm I don’t actually see log4j in lein classpath
so my earlier assumption is probably false
But I see org/clojure/tools.logging
in classpath
I’m confused
https://github.com/clojure/tools.logging#usage this tells me to configure log4j
with the property file as I did. However I’m not sure what is controlling the logging now. Maybe I need to sleep over this and take a fresh look in the morning. 🙂