
magnusdk 2019-02-27T09:41:01.001200Z

Using Etaoin locally is awesome and super simple 🎉, but I haven't yet figured out how to use it to connect to a remote webdriver. Does anyone have any experience with using Etaoin to connect to remote webdrivers, for example via SauceLabs?

eric.shao 2019-02-27T15:04:02.001800Z

(et/chrome {:headless true}) this way is ok.

eric.shao 2019-02-27T15:07:26.002Z

Why with-chrome is ok,but with-chrome-headless will report Syntax error (NullPointerException)?

(with-chrome {} driver
             (doto driver
               (go "<>")
               (quit)))  ;=&gt; ok

(with-chrome-headless {} driver
             (doto driver
               (go "<>")
               (quit)))   ; =&gt; Syntax error (NullPointerException)