
neupsh 2019-05-11T20:13:11.002900Z

Hello, I am new to webdriver and was trying to run the examples in the github page. I ran the following to get a repl on my linux machine:

clojure -Sdeps "{:deps {com.bhauman/rebel-readline {:mvn/version \"0.1.4\"} etaoin {:mvn/version \"0.3.3\"}}}" -m rebel-readline.main

neupsh 2019-05-11T20:14:18.003900Z

Now when I run try to call (firefox) or (chrome) to define a driver, it fails

user=> (use 'etaoin.api)
user=> (require '[etaoin.keys :as keys])
user=> (def driv (firefox))
Syntax error (IOException) compiling at (REPL:1:11).
error=2, No such file or directory

neupsh 2019-05-11T20:15:06.004900Z

do I need to install anything before I can run those? I am not sure what it is trying to run and why I get "No such file or directory"

neupsh 2019-05-11T20:17:18.005500Z

I also tried breaking the (firefox) into the following to get the same error

user=> (def driv (create-driver :firefox))
user=> driv
#object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x3c1908c8 {:status :ready, :val {:type :firefox, :host "", :port 4444, :url "<>", :locator "xpath"}}]
user=&gt; (run-driver driv)
Execution error (IOException) at java.lang.UNIXProcess/forkAndExec (
error=2, No such file or directory

neupsh 2019-05-11T20:17:37.005800Z

Any pointers would be much appreciated 🙂

neupsh 2019-05-11T20:25:35.007100Z

Nevermind, I needed to install geckodriver package for my distro (duh! 😊)