
gklijs 2019-05-17T08:07:30.008900Z

I just open-sourced using etaoin to test latency and correctness

👏 2
vemv 2019-05-22T08:59:32.001100Z

Looks really comprehensive! Looking forward to study it. Out of curiosity, what lead you to write the project?

gklijs 2019-05-22T09:33:04.001300Z

It started with a 'kafka-workshop' also trying to get my colleagues to do some Clojure. From there it grow with the addition of GraphQL, a frontend, and storage to a DB. For trying out Rust and Kotlin I could reuse the project to focus on just on service. And then I got an invite to talk at a Kafka meetup, and I finished running tests with etaoin. After running the benchmark several times on my laptop I figured it might run on TravisCi, so that was the last part i did.

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