
20-21 July 2017 Berlin

@annapawlicka: @martinklepsch @jellea I'm interested!

annapawlicka 2015-05-28T09:01:43.000052Z

Ok, so there are 4 of us confirmed, and maybe 2 will join. I’m going to create a private channel for discussing apartments etc.

thomas 2015-05-28T09:02:32.000053Z

@annapawlicka: cool, I'll have a chat with Chris in an hour.

annapawlicka 2015-05-28T09:02:42.000054Z


cmdrdats 2015-05-28T09:03:44.000055Z

Is there any chance that euroclojure will be live-streamed? I would pay for that!

martinklepsch 2015-05-28T20:02:56.000059Z

martinklepsch 2015-05-28T20:03:43.000061Z

I’m not a seasoned conference goer but don’t conferences usually have keynote(s)?

thomas 2015-05-28T20:09:06.000062Z

maybe that will be announced later....

thomas 2015-05-28T20:09:31.000063Z

after Rich Hickey has come up with a new and mind blowing new technology 😉

martinklepsch 2015-05-28T20:11:25.000064Z

Doesn’t seem so