
20-21 July 2017 Berlin
wagjo 2016-04-15T15:25:15.000026Z

Note that there'll be a at the same venue right after the Euroclojure, with David among the speakers. A week full of great talks 😄

👍 3
wagjo 2016-04-15T15:27:13.000028Z

(the first day will be most likely a workshop day, just like the last time, so there'll be little overlap if any)

thomas 2016-04-15T15:53:19.000029Z

I am not sure my body could take that… two conferences in a row… (and probably way too much partying)

martinklepsch 2016-04-15T21:55:02.000030Z

@wagjo that is indeed a very interesting piece of information :simple_smile: