
Announcements about events, meetups, conference. Respond in threads please.
Jivago Alves 2019-07-18T08:45:38.104800Z

Hi, folks! If you happen to be in Lisbon next Wed, there will be a meetup about "Growing Function-Oriented Software" in Clojure

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practicalli-john 2019-07-18T15:41:30.109800Z

The 4th meeting of the SciCloj community is today at 17:00 UTC - online via the Zoom meeting app This time we have • Chris Nuernberger showing use how to use Libpython-clj project to use Python libraries from Clojure (within NextJournal) • Alan Marazzi discusses the Panthera project to use Pandas (Python Data Analysis library) from Clojure We will also have a discussion of community challenges and it would be great to hear from many different voices from the community

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