
Announcements about events, meetups, conference. Respond in threads please.
jaihindhreddy 2019-11-15T14:22:25.116500Z

Yup. It looks like the talks are going to be amazing.

dharrigan 2019-11-15T14:24:06.117200Z

The site for re:Clojure has been updated with the schedule of talks for the day, please join us if you can on 2nd December in London!


Do you think that Rich Hickey will present a talk at Clojure Conj? He is not on the speaker list :(

alexmiller 2019-11-15T15:06:23.122700Z

no, but he'll be there


looks like quite a nice line up though -- very much looking forward to the talks

2019-11-15T16:36:23.123800Z in case you want to watch/listen to/read any of his previous ones (or at last a lot of them are listed there)

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