We will have a day of music hacking after :clojureD 2020 in Berlin, please check it out here: https://clojurians.slack.com/archives/C07GU1E0H/p1578495330002200
Wow, Berlin is a full-fledged Clojure city this year! February 27: International Clojure Data Science Meetup (https://ti.to/scicloj/international-clojure-data-science-meetup-in-berlin) February 29: :clojureD conference (https://clojured.de) March 1: Audible side effects: Clojure music gathering (https://ti.to/audible-side-effects/audible-side-effects-2020) Accompanied by a pre-conference welcome meet up and a get-together after the conf. 🍻