I mean, evaluating things directly from the buffer instead of copying and pasting into the REPL is orders of magnitude more productive. But it feels like I'm really missing something.
Okay everyone - we have an updated Zoom setup so that we can host up to 300 now (Thank you @seancorfield) - Here is the updated information: Sean Corfield is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: REPL-Driven Development Time: Dec 15, 2020 05:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95028026857?pwd=M2MvcVl0TlhwK1JlVE9PK0xsaFlxdz09 Meeting ID: 950 2802 6857 Passcode: 539717 One tap mobile <tel:+16699006833,,95028026857#|+16699006833,,95028026857#> US (San Jose) <tel:+14086380968,,95028026857#|+14086380968,,95028026857#> US (San Jose) Dial by your location <tel:+16699006833|+1 669 900 6833> US (San Jose) <tel:+14086380968|+1 408 638 0968> US (San Jose) <tel:+13462487799|+1 346 248 7799> US (Houston) <tel:+12532158782|+1 253 215 8782> US (Tacoma) <tel:+16468769923|+1 646 876 9923> US (New York) <tel:+13017158592|+1 301 715 8592> US (Washington D.C) <tel:+13126266799|+1 312 626 6799> US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 950 2802 6857 Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adhgQvsaoO
Hi all, here the recording of my talk about μ/log at the London Clojurians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1149dWnl3k