
Announcements about events, meetups, conference. Respond in threads please.
Brian Abbott 2021-03-19T17:33:16.008100Z

Hey everyone, as a reminder, we have this upcoming even on Tuesday - I think it will be absolutely riveting and quite worthwhile for all of us:

👍 3
Brian Abbott 2021-03-22T02:45:15.011900Z


localshred 2021-03-19T18:00:10.008300Z

👋 from a former provo-ite turned north carolinian 🙂

Brian Abbott 2021-03-19T18:51:06.008700Z

Cool!! Well, the meetup is 100% virtual so, feel free to attend if you want!

localshred 2021-03-19T19:00:55.008900Z

May do so. Haven't learned about Crux, will join if my schedule works out