Is there any way to silence the jetty used by Figwheel Main? I have a serious problem with it since I have a following combo in use: • Figwheel Main • Timbre • Timbre's slf4j adapter
Now if I execute for example lein run -m figwheel.main -co test.cljs.edn -m my-runner
it will end up starting Jetty under the hood so that it can do it's magic
BUT since I have both Timbre and it's slf4j adapter which get loaded during classload (since that's just it has to be done with java logging stuff) and Timbre defaults to :debug
level (like pretty much all loggers) this will end up putting Jetty to debug level which causes shitton of log
Just executed a build, caused 20877 lines of logs
all lines from org.eclipse.jetty
These are the only solutions I've came up with so far to remedy this problem: 1) Use env variable and set logging level through that. This is a bad solution though since it is totally dependent on the system which is executing the command. I would want to avoid this as long as possible 2) Write a separate Leiningen plugin which calls Figwheel Main under the hood AND allows silencing Jetty before starting it
i'd have thought you could blacklist the jetty namespaces using timbre's configuration
you can blacklist specific namespaces, e.g.
:ns-blacklist ["*jetty.*"]
(or something like that)
you can add that into timbre dynamically with timbre/merge-config!
, something like
(timbre/merge-config! {:ns-blacklist ["*.jetty.*"]})
maybe give that a shot? note that you can actually write your own appender functions to filter messages (or do anything else), so you could drop in a function that says "if it's jetty and doesn't include the word Exception then ignore"
Sorry that I didn't respond earlier. I did naturally try the blacklisting. The problem here is, that the logging happens without me having any control over the logging configurations. I ended up "fixing" this problem by including the slf4j adapter only in uberjar profile
Both solutions are very much not what I want
Made an issue out of this