Anyone else getting
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException cljs.stacktrace
from figwheel/repl.cljc
when running
?I have seen that before.
I guess you're using Figwheel via git?
we're using [com.bhauman/figwheel-main "0.2.0"]
Refresh shouldn't be reloading that namespace then
Oh, I know why it is you are outputting your build to the classpath, so tns is picking it up, as mentioned in this ticket. It shouldn't really be being reloaded.
oh, really - that's interesting!
thanks, that seems to be the problem 👌 @dominicm 🙂
This has been a recurring issue since I picked up clojure years ago. It affects bidi because it uses protocols.
I'm considering forking tools.namespace and promoting my fork.