@dnolen to start the server on a different port set {:ring-server-options {:port 3449}}
I still have this error
It is probably related to https://figwheel.org/docs/jetty_conflicts.html
I did all suggestions from lein deps :tree
and added [javax.servlet/servlet-api "2.5"]
to dev profile but I still get the same error
Alright it is fixed by adding the following to profiles.clj
dev profile:
[org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http "9.4.17.v20190418"]
New error:
1. Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
Not solvable by adding the jetty-util dependency
Anyone an idea?
I have a js-environment.js
script to be run in node. I was thinking it would be sweet if I could write this as a cljs
file and then pass the the start
cljs function to :launch-js
like outlined here https://figwheel.org/docs/testing.html#using-a-clojure-function
For example:
(ns my.cljs.js-launcher)
(defn start [{:keys [output-dir]}]
...stuff to start js env)
and then clojure -m figwheel.main -fwo '{:launch-js my.cljs.js-launcher/start}' -m my.test-runner
- is there a proper way to make this happen or maybe I am just going about this the wrong way? My JS script works, I was just thinking it would be sweet to have it all written in Clojure(script)