
Paul 2019-11-26T15:36:37.025800Z

I’m just starting out with figwheel So far I’m really impressed. The only problem is that I can’t figure out how to create a reliable repl setup so that I can evaluate code directly from Cursive. I’ve followed the tutorial: The setup works in principle but frequently when I evaluate ClojureScript code that throws errors the console inside of Cursive looses the connection to the browser and I can no longer evaluate anything. Restarting the repl inside of Cursive is the only thing that helps. Do you have any pointers what I’m doing wrong?

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Jan K 2019-11-26T16:00:38.026100Z

I'm seeing the same issue using vim-fireplace 😕

Paul 2019-11-26T18:14:03.026300Z

I’ve realized the problem also occurs when running the repl from a regular terminal. The problem seems to be the following issue:

Paul 2019-11-26T18:15:02.026600Z

There is a fix in the unreleased 0.2.4 version. Somebody suggested to downgrade to 0.2.0 that worked for me 🙂

cch1 2019-11-26T23:15:27.029200Z

Has anybody successfully gotten a figwheel-main project to load data_readers.clc successfully? The compiler whines about not being able to find namespaced symbols in data_readers.cljc (this is to be expected IMO)