I’m still getting the following warning even if I have :cljs-devtools false
in my figwheel-main.edn
, what am I doing wrong?
WARNING: You required cljs-devtools library in a project which is currently compiled with :optimizations :advanced.
this is when I perform a build-once
with optimizations
Does the configuration for the particular build you're doing have a line requiring the cljs-devtools library?
this is it:
^{:css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]}
{:main daily-log.core
:npm-deps false
:infer-externs true
:foreign-libs [{:file "dist/index.bundle.js"
:provides ["date-fns"]
:global-exports {date-fns "dateFns"}}]}
Hmmm. That's certainly weird. I'm afraid I don't have any suggestions :(