It would be nice to have a REPL function to trigger a re-bundle now that I no longer can just copy/paste it as it's using :final-output-to
@dominicm have you tried the new :smart
under :bundle-freq
yeah I can see that would be helpful
@bhauman wouldn't work, I'm modifying the JavaScript itself. I have a legacy JavaScript part of my application which is installed as a symlink.
@dominicm did you ever launch a watcher process in the background?
That was how I initially did it, yeah
Webpack creates watches on everything in node_modules
I ran out of file watchers
oh gee whiz
Thats pretty bad
Does hot-reloading only apply to certain parts of my .cljs files? e.g., if I have
(defn app []
And change it to:
(defn app []
[:p "Some other stuff"]])
Should that be changing (I see the little figwheel icon appear in the bottom left when I save) but I have to hit F5 to get the changes to show>
Is this just how reagent is set up?@qmstuart OK you should stop calling main() from your html
and just put (main) at the bottom of you cljs file for now
that way when it loads it will re-render your app
cool! THat worked 😄
From what I can see this isn't really in the reagent docs
How to set this up properly
actually reading that whole page is a good idea
Thanks, I'll have a read.
its actually pretty simple your file gets reloaded and re-executed on save
so if its all functions nothing is going to get execed
if you add (prn :hello) to you cljs file
you will see in the console that something is printing
same thing with putting (main) at the top-level of your file it gets executed
hmmm having fun working on getting a sweet setup for https support