Are reader conditionals (`#?`) not possible to use with figwheel ? I'm getting:
[Figwheel:WARNING] Could not Compile src/parser/core.cljs line:477 column:5
Conditional read not allowed
475 (defn ^:export parse
476 [string]
477 #?(:cljs (clj->js (-parse string))
478 :clj (-parse string)))
[Figwheel:SEVERE] java.lang.RuntimeException: Conditional read not allowed
they are allowed. file extension should be .cljc
Thanks! I just went through the page, but read cljc
as cljs
@tkjone I’m working on fixes for all the logging problems in 1.10.844
Excellent! Glad I didn’t start a PR 😅
Let me know if you need help testing anything!!
@tkjone Just deployed the fixes to 0.2.13-SNAPSHOT
let me know if its working for you
@cassiel ^
@bhauman Tested on a new app (will try on a larger existing one a bit later). I see many warnings in the terminal have successfully been resolved and the browser console warning is also resolved. The remaining warnings thrown (3 total)
• target/public/cljs-out/dev/figwheel/main/css_reload.cljc
- lines 32, 141 and 144
oh cool, good to know
I’ll fix that up
Tested the HMR and Live Refresh and these are working and the project is configured using autobundle + webpack