
Quentin Le Guennec 2021-04-15T06:35:07.057200Z

Hello, I am using Postmortem to debug a large project but manually typing and deleting require calls is annoying. Is there a way to automatically import it in all project namespaces?

lispers-anonymous 2021-04-15T16:57:37.057300Z

what build tool are you using?

lispers-anonymous 2021-04-15T16:59:57.057500Z

In my leiningen user profile, I use the :injections keyword to require the scope-capture library in every namespace.

{:user {:dependencies [vvvvalvalval/scope-capture "0.3.2"]
        :injections [(require 'sc.api)]}}

lispers-anonymous 2021-04-15T17:01:01.057700Z

In figwheel, you might also be able to use :preloads to accomplish something similar.