I'm getting an AnalyzeError when running Figwheel, but not when doing a plain cljsbuild build
uh.. just a minute. My laptop literally crashed 😕 had to reboot. Let me try to get a minimal reproduction
ok, here's the code. I'm trying to use Fipp, and getting an analyzeError in clojure.core/rrb-vector
Failed to compile "resources/public/js/compiled/gui.js" in 1.151 seconds.
---- Could not Analyze resources/public/js/compiled/clojure/core/rrb_vector/trees.cljs line:25 column:24 ----
Wrong number of args (1) passed to: nodes/ranges
23 (bit-and (bit-shift-right i shift) 0x1f))
24 (- shift 5))))
25 (let [rngs (ranges node)
^--- Wrong number of args (1) passed to: nodes/ranges
26 j (loop [j (bit-and (bit-shift-right i shift) 0x1f)]
27 (if (< i (aget rngs j))
28 j
---- Analysis Error : Please see resources/public/js/compiled/clojure/core/rrb_vector/trees.cljs ----
Figwheel: inital compile failed - outputing temporary helper application to resources/public/js/compiled/gui.js
@bhauman I can put this all in a GH issue, just wanted to check if something obvious comes to mind...
upgraded to figwheel 0.5.4-2 to 0.5.6 and the problem went away. Obvious indeed 😄