
general discussion about figwheel, specific discussions in #figwheel-main and #lein-figwheel

yeah, your case sounds maybe more complex than mine having the <canvas> involved and all, but it may not be much different

sophiago 2017-04-11T00:09:46.164909Z

actually it may be simpler. i do find drawing to canvas requires manually reloading to clear it, but there's no dom manipulation going on



sophiago 2017-04-11T01:21:19.787047Z

@mikerod here's the issue:

👍 1

Thanks. I'll be sure to follow along.

ustunozgur 2017-04-11T08:33:29.611895Z

I occasionally experience figwheel not picking up the changes, but I am actually not sure. Does anyone experience anything similar? I was wondering whether the "safe write" of intellij might be causing it, when I saw this issue:

alex_lynch 2017-04-11T10:49:22.649435Z

is there a problem with figwheel? I tried starting a new project with it with lein new figwheel proj -- --om, and get a ton of errors in the console and the repl doesn't connect

alex_lynch 2017-04-11T10:52:33.690063Z

weirdly this is what one of the file internals looks like:

alex_lynch 2017-04-11T10:58:15.763177Z

oh so I just cleared chrome browser cache and now it all works...

ustunozgur 2017-04-11T11:02:08.816509Z

I usually have Network -> Disable cache while in development.

alex_lynch 2017-04-11T11:22:46.080918Z

oh, good idea

alex_lynch 2017-04-11T11:24:58.109610Z

ack clearing the browser history, deleted all my autocompletes haha. Now I have to type out full URLs again

john 2017-04-11T19:26:17.300539Z

Anyone know how to run multiple figwheel repls, while only doing the directory watching and compiling from one?