
general discussion about figwheel, specific discussions in #figwheel-main and #lein-figwheel
sandbags 2017-11-13T19:58:18.000176Z

Anyone seen the Figwheel loader throwing "Maximum call stack size exceeded" a la ? Not quite sure when I started seeing these or what might have changed to cause them.

sandbags 2017-11-13T20:25:31.000386Z

Okay may have been down to a circular dependency. That's been there a while so I'm not sure why it's error was reported intermittently, or why the loader didn't fail every time... but it's not a perfect world 🙂

ajs 2017-11-13T22:05:07.000304Z

i typically launch a cider repl and then type (use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api) to get going with figwheel from within emacs. is there a way to have my project automatically do this when i start the repl?