@bhauman Tried “lein clean” and “lein figwheel”, and still getting the same error. Maybe there’s something wrong with my http://project.cl, namely how I configured the clean-targets? But whoa, tried another cycle of “lein clean” and “lein figwheel” and it works, with no compiler error! Mysterious! I’m posting my project.clj, to see if you can spot what I’m doing wrong? Thanks!
@bhauman — problem is gone, I think? Chalk it up to some artifact of the first “lein-figwheel upgrade / clean / lein fighweel”? Confirmed that problem disappears on 2nd “lein clean / lein figwheel” cycle…
yeah it was a weird caching thing
thanks for checking it out
@bhauman — FWIW, the compile error disappears from “lein clean / lein figwheel” cycle from MacOS terminal. But I still get compile warning from inside the Cursive IDE, which I get from running:
(use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)
@bhauman — last question on 0.5.15? Just noticed something odd from the Cursive REPL… when it runs (cljs-repl)
, the output from figwheel looks different than in the MacOS terminal window… No mention of rebel readline, :repl/help
doesn’t print anything, but just returns a keyword…
And no amount of “lein clean” or “(clean-builds dev)” makes the compiler error go away.
Hope this is helpful. Sorry if it isn’t! 🙂 (And keep up all the amazing work!)
@genekim this is how its supposed to work
you can only attach a terminal from a terminal
trying to get work out all the text color bugs on Windows, such a painful process