lein figwheel
updates my page perfectly, but when I ran a repl in spacemaces and did
(use 'figwheel-sidecar.repl-api)
Emacs evals work great, but when I save I see the clojure icon appear in my browser but nothing updates unless I do a shft-refresh... Same behavior in incognito mode. What the heck I am doing wrong?.log has
[0mCompiling "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js" from ["src/cljs"]...[0m
[32mSuccessfully compiled "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js" in 1.526 seconds.[0m
notifying browser that file changed: resources/public/js/compiled/out/cljs_deps.js
notifying browser that file changed: out/track_work/views.js
but no update with out a browser refresh?
Is there a way to make the browser reconnect the cljs-repl connection after it has failed or went stale for a long time, from the dev console? I couldn’t find information on this from googling
I have poked around the figwheel.client
object in the console but it doesn’t seem to provide a method to reconnect
hmm, maybe it’s figwheel.client.ensure_cljs_user()
hello! Could anyone point me at / tell me how to connect to the cljs-repl from the clj rpel started by figwheel.main? I’m connecting to the clj repl using Cursive, but have no idea how to connect to the cljs-repl from there.