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cjmurphy 2020-09-20T01:28:51.027Z

"No such var: com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom/macro-create-element". I can see from the source that macro-create-element* wouldn't cause that problem. I must be too much on the latest versions. Not sure where it is coming from...

tony.kay 2020-09-20T17:40:58.034700Z

Cljc needs special requires for dom. See book

cjmurphy 2020-09-20T01:39:04.027100Z

Except from the Clojure REPL.

cjmurphy 2020-09-20T01:49:36.027300Z

So switched some files from cljc to cljs and now it is fine


What is a reconciler? The book mentions it for the first time in 9.7.7: > It requires the reconciler (which as we mentioned earlier can be obtained from the Fulcro App) But I can't find any prior mention of it. There's also an example given in 9.7.7:

(merge/merge! (:reconciler @app) ROOT-data ROOT-query)


But com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application/fulcro-app function returns a map without any :reconciler key, nor can I find that key anywhere inside of the fulcro app map

tony.kay 2020-09-20T18:49:05.036200Z


tony.kay 2020-09-20T18:52:36.036400Z

Fixed…well, at least changed the wording. Those older examples could need more love


Thanks for looking at it! Looks good now

cjmurphy 2020-09-20T05:21:43.032300Z

The reconciler comes from Fulcro 2. It was done away with in Fulcro 3.

souenzzo 2020-09-20T13:27:04.034600Z

Hello fulcro community. Many times that I'm developing a fulcro app, I need a feed/message component, like this slack chat, or a twitter feed. This kind of components has a lot of complexities: - Empty list - End of list - Incremental updates ... There is some ready to use option for this? Maybe using rad?