
Book: http://book.fulcrologic.com, Community Resources: https://fulcro-community.github.io/, RAD book at http://book.fulcrologic.com/RAD.html

I think there's an error in this example: http://book.fulcrologic.com/#_use_the_component_registry shouldn't it pass state as the first argument to swap!?

✔️ 1
tony.kay 2020-11-09T17:01:39.088100Z

Ah, yeah, overlooked that, thanks

tony.kay 2020-11-09T17:03:04.088300Z


🙌 1

I'm using the form state support in Fulcro 3.x and running into an issue where if I edit a nested form (i.e., a form in a nested component) and then hit a submit button to trigger a diff in the parent form (the parent component) it doesn't see the nested form's new props (and therefore it doesn't show up in the diff). Any advice on how to force a rerender of the parent on subform change?


@hermanson.timothy ^

tony.kay 2020-11-09T23:32:30.095200Z

is the subform declared in form-fields?