Nice! This is very similar to how I debug. I've noticed that I actually spend less time debugging my fulcro applications than I do with re-frame/re-agent. It's super super nice.
Fulcro’s websocket remote has been updated to support client use from CLJ. Most of Fulcro can run in a headless mode in CLJ without React. This makes it possible for you to make a CLJ Fulcro app that can communicate with a Fulcro server. You could use this, for example, to leverage the EQL/transaction processing of Fulcro in any Clojure JVM application.
@smith.adriane ^^^ When you get your desktop UI stuff done for Fulcro, we can stand up a Fulcro server and have desktop apps written in CLJ that have pre-written support for server integration 😉
oh oh oh…and with RAD we can then have desktop apps that can generate arbitrary forms and reports based on form and report specifications on the server. I don’t have any demos of this yet for RAD, but since RAD forms/reports need nothing more than data to declare them, there’s nothing keeping you from dynamically generating them at runtime from definitions you load into Fulcro state. 😄