It’s strange. The router-props are an ident [:component/id :ns/component] to the target. Should they be a map? @tony.kay do you have any idea on how I can debug this further?
(defrouter AuthenticatedRouter [this {:keys [route-factory route-props]}]
{:always-render-body? true
:router-targets [DashboardRoot CompanyRoot PersonRoot InvestorRoot]}
(when route-factory
(log/spy route-props)
(route-factory route-props))))
(def ui-authenticated-router (comp/factory AuthenticatedRouter))
The route-props are an ident.And the error is
timbre_support.cljs:80 ERROR [com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components:874] - Props passed to fierce.pyxis.dashboard.ui/DashboardRoot are of the type PersistentVector instead of a map. Perhaps you meant to `map` the component over the props?
have to see more of the composition in code
(defsc AuthenticatedRoot [this {::keys [router]
:ui/keys [sidebar mobile-sidebar]}]
{:query [::auth-root
{:ui/sidebar (comp/get-query sidebar/Sidebar)}
{:ui/mobile-sidebar (comp/get-query sidebar/MobileSidebar)}
{::router (comp/get-query router/AuthenticatedRouter)}
(uism/asm-ident ::router/AuthenticatedRouter)]
:ident (fn [] [:component/id ::auth-root])
:initial-state (fn [_] {:ui/sidebar {:ui/sub-sidebars [(dashboard-sidebar-items)
:ui/account (comp/get-initial-state account-ui/AccountRoot)}
:ui/mobile-sidebar {:ui/items mobile-main-sidebar
::account/name "Kathrin Mutinelli"
::account/profile-image-url "/images/kathrin-mutinelli.jpg"
::organisation/name "Stratico"
:ui/dropdown-open? false
:ui/open? false}
::router {}})}
(log/info router)
(let [active-route (some-> (dr/current-route this this) first keyword)]
(div {:className "h-screen flex overflow-hidden bg-white"}
(sidebar/mobile-sidebar (assoc mobile-sidebar :ui/active-route active-route))
(sidebar/sidebar (assoc sidebar :ui/active-route active-route))
(router/ui-authenticated-router router))))
(def ui-authenticated-root (comp/factory AuthenticatedRoot))
That logs the router correctly, but when it passes the props through the router as route-props, it’s an ident.
so it is not working at all in latest, but works .4 back?
not just that it says an error, but that it is actually busted?
in that case, a minimal repro case and an issue would be ideal
I don’t think it’s working at all. The logging was added 17
Would I expect an error if it was working? Why would a route target receive an ident rather than props. That doesn’t sound correct.
Routing works, but I get that error on every route change.
@tony.kay Here it is
It’s the authenticated flow that’s the problem.
line 70
do not pass an extra param to get-query
that disables dynamic query, which the router needs
I’ve pulled those components from various namespaces and was trying different things. I don’t have it in my actual code. The gist now reflects that.
Also, that component should prob have an ident, though technically not required. I’m guessing your extra arg to get-query is the problem
It’s not the problem.
Well, I’ve removed it and I still get the error.
you’re using fn for initial state, but you’re using the magic notation…that won’t work
and 56
you have to call get-initial-state
just like get-query
if you’re using a fn form for initial state
Rage Emoji.
Thanks Tony. Really appreciate it.
that fix it?
Just working through it but it looks like it.
should not be used this way
you can use it in normal lifecycle methods…but initLocalState is sort of mixed into the low-level js constructor.
I/O, in general, should not, IMO, be tied to component lifecycle, either. Your data model and logic should drive the UI, not the other way around (the exception being a user-event which is obviously given to you from the UI). When you couple your data lifecycle with your UI component lifecycle you’re asking for trouble (or at least a lot of I/O you don’t need).
So, for example, a UI event triggers a route change. A route change calls will-enter (not a UI lifecycle, but a routing lifecycle…subtle but important difference). That, in turn, could trigger something on a UISM that is managing the overall mechanisms of your UI. This is basically how RAD does it: a form is just UI and event triggering on a UISM, where the overall life of the form is managed in logic/data.
Another way of saying it: tie your transactions and I/O to user driven things whenever possible. The user activated a route is different than some component on that route “appeared”.
they happen very closely in time, but are modeled in code very differently.
Am I using dr/change-route!
Here’s what I’m doing:
;; Where I do it:
(dr/change-route! this (dr/path-to TagPage "my-id"))
;; My component
(defsc TagPage [this {:keys [node/id] :as rest}]
{:ident :node/id
:query [:node/id :node/name]
:initial-state (fn [{:node/keys [id]}]
{:node/id id
:node/name ""})
:route-segment ["page" :node-id]
:will-enter (fn [_app {:keys [node-id]}]
(log/info "Here it is: " node-id)
(dr/route-immediate [:node/id node-id]))}
;; Render logic
;; The warning I'm getting:
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.indexing:103] - component .../TagPage's ident ([:node/id nil]) has a `nil` second element. This warning can be safely ignored if that is intended. Props were [:node/id "my-id"]
It seems like it’s giving the component the parameters [:node/id "my-id"]
as opposed to {:node/id "my-id"}
I can’t figure out why?