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thosmos 2021-05-05T00:31:14.305400Z

I’m getting the following error on my fulcro forms diff saving fn. I’m wondering how to do this without adding a data_readers.cljc file to the souce root? RAD forms are working on this app, and it doesn’t need the data readers, but I haven’t figured out why yet.

  "class java.lang.Exception: Unknown Type: 'class com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.tempid.TempId' for value: #fulcro/tempid[\"0b788809-862b-4a03-95ef-99b93ca9e1b2\"]"}}

thosmos 2021-05-05T03:09:04.306500Z

I worked around it by first testing for (com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.tempid/tempid? val) before (type val)

wilkerlucio 2021-05-05T04:08:49.309600Z

I think and easier path is to use standard cljs, and make extensions using SCI, this way you can allow user code to use the things already compiled from cljs

wilkerlucio 2021-05-05T04:10:00.309900Z


peterdee 2021-05-05T20:42:37.313500Z

My application stopped working upgrading from fulcro 3.4.18 to 3.4.19. It appears that the call to (app/mount! APP Root “app”) in the client init function is where the error is generated. That call produces #object[TypeError TypeError: me.cljs$core$IMapEntry$_key$arity$1 is not a function]

peterdee 2021-05-05T20:42:42.313700Z

Any thoughts on where to look?