Async works @niwinz I like the change of delegate, always felt a bit useless giving the context again
It needs some improvements for avoid unnecesary garbage creation
creating useless ContextData objects in each chain...
Aha that's not so nice
But should be fixable ^^
Yes, I have pending for the next release improve this aspect and remove duplicate catacumba context construction
caching it on the first handler...
Sorry It look so long was moving from boot to leiningen for our project was a bit of a horrific experience. Leiningen drops dotfiles by default
so we might need to reconsider searching for .catacumba markerfile by default
I have done it for catacumba and I have returned to lein...
boot is too slow...
Now i can use clj-refactor ^^
and creating an uberjar is ridicilous
takes 3 minutes
Lein for me works as expected
it is not the best but it is not bad
Oh yeah I was talking about boot, creating uberjars there sucks
leiningen works absolutely fine now
I did have to add this to make it add the .catacumba file to my jar
:uberjar-exclusions [#"\.swp$"]
:filespecs [{:type :path :path ".catacumba"}]