very very strange
subscribe uses socket behind the scenes
so if subscribe works, socket should work in the same way
if that error is happens is not because postal client
is because your handler returns a http response instead of doing the websocket handshake
There no other way to see a clear error because websocket impl in the browser just does that
@niwinz: Not sure why the server would be returning an http response instead of the websocket handshake.
This is my route: [:any "postal" (pc/router #'handlers/postal-handler)]
And an example handler:
(defmulti postal-handler
(fn [ctx frame] (select-keys frame [:type :dest])))
(defmethod postal-handler {:type :subscribe
:dest :reports}
[ctx frame]
(letfn [(on-connect [{:keys [in out] :as context}]
(println "connect")
(>! out (pc/frame {:value "test"}))))]
(pc/socket ctx on-connect)))
Catacumba 0.10.0 does the same? Is for discard something that I have broken in the last release
due to memory leak fix on websocket engine
I'll try 0.10.0 right now
Getting the same error
Hmm ok, it is not related to bug fix
Can you paste the both lines you are using to connect to catacumba: the subscribe and the socket ?
(from cljs)
maybe the bi-directional socket does not reaches that handler
and reaches other...
[instream outbus] (pc/socket client :messages)
and bus (pc/subscribe client :messages)
where (def client (pc/client (str (.-origin js/location) "/postal")))
If you want use bi-directional sockets
you should change the {:type :subscribe with {:type :socket
the error surelly is hapens because me message arribes but it does not routes to appropiate handler
That did it :simple_smile: I didn't see that minor detail anywhere in the docs. Did I miss it?
Maybe the docs are wrong that is clearly possible
I think it's just missing that difference. Thanks for the help! :simple_smile:
You are welcome!
How do you guys do error handling with core.async channels with catacumba?
something along the lines of:
(let [groups (<! groups-chan)]
(if (instance? Throwable groups)
(throw groups)
(ct/delegate {:groups groups}))))))
does not seem to work because catacumba is obviously listening to the channelhi @mitchelkuijpers! In my code I try to isolate the logic and corresponding possible error raising code in separate functions and in catacumba handlers just use that functions and capture posible errors and return corresponding http request with error...
Aha that sounds reasonable, I don’t really see a generic solution to this problem. Maybe I should just use a promise
thnx @niwinz
But now I see that there no way to use the generic error handling mechanism that catacumba have... with async values
Ok no problem
This can be used with simple handlers. If simple handler raises an exception that error handler will be executed
Yes I know we use that
I think that this should work in the same way with async results
Maybe fun to know, we are currenlty running in production for about 3 months now with catacumba:
Yes maybe it should but currently it doesn’t right?
@mitchelkuijpers: thanks for sharing! It is awesome!
no, at this moment it does not works, at least with core.async no...
It should work with manifold and with promesa (completable future)
Ow awesome
Thank you sir