
A channel for discussing and asking questions about Funcool libraries
kardan 2016-04-06T14:38:32.000179Z

I was playing with httpurr & for some reason I get error when I call some http endpoints. Anyone know what’s causing that?

kardan 2016-04-06T14:44:41.000180Z

Getting errors from clj-http to. Guess it’s something with the letsencrypt certs (or something, I don’t know much about this). Anyway does not seem to be httpurr related.

kardan 2016-04-06T14:58:44.000181Z Sorry to for the noise.

niwinz 2016-04-06T15:59:09.000183Z

which jvm version you are using?

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:01:30.000184Z

@kardan: with jdk8 in linux it works pretty well

kardan 2016-04-06T16:01:47.000185Z

OS X java version "1.8.0_65" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_65-b17) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.65-b01, mixed mode)

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:02:10.000186Z

hmm OSX is specially problematic with ssl related stuff

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:02:22.000187Z

jvm by default gets the truststore from the system

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:02:38.000188Z

my distribution has installed the latest mozilla-certificates-ca

kardan 2016-04-06T16:03:04.000189Z

Then maybe I can add the let’s encrypt “stuff” to my key chain?

kardan 2016-04-06T16:03:58.000190Z

Anyway I’ll read up on it. I realise this is not funcool related

kardan 2016-04-06T16:04:40.000191Z

& this was just for me playing around. In production we’re on linux

kardan 2016-04-06T16:05:56.000192Z

Was playing with the idea to create a “middleware / utility” lib to connect Stormpath or Keycloak to Catacumba.

kardan 2016-04-06T16:06:29.000193Z

& since you guys have such a bunch of cool projects I thought I would get myself exposed to them

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:08:00.000194Z


niwinz 2016-04-06T16:08:23.000195Z

sure, you should be able add the letencrypt CA to your system

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:09:56.000197Z

btw, if want to know some curiosity, the other day I found myself doing resource usage tesing of some project that uses catacumba

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:10:12.000198Z

and the results are very very unexpected (in a great way)

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:11:32.000200Z

I have been able run the backend code with catacumba in only 70 mb of heap and properly responding with 400req/s (with 100 concurrent connections)

kardan 2016-04-06T16:13:17.000203Z

Ah that’s cool. Have to admit that I lack a reference to know really what that “weigh in at"

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:14:10.000204Z

For a simple reference a normal java application usually uses approx 512mb..

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:14:20.000205Z

some applications just does not start without 512 mb xD

kardan 2016-04-06T16:16:05.000206Z


kardan 2016-04-06T16:17:03.000207Z

Got a little sense of the heavyness of Clojure / Jvm web projects. Was doing Erlang earlier and now learning Clojure / Jvm stuff

kardan 2016-04-06T16:17:39.000208Z

The concurrent “features” is appealing with Catacuma

kardan 2016-04-06T16:18:15.000209Z

Something that always is a bit not so tasty with standard ring

niwinz 2016-04-06T16:18:29.000210Z


niwinz 2016-04-06T16:18:49.000211Z

this is one of the reasons why I built catacumba