
A channel for discussing and asking questions about Funcool libraries
hoppy 2016-05-18T21:08:20.000040Z

clojure.jdbc against oracle:

hoppy 2016-05-18T21:08:28.000041Z

(defn dammit [] (let [qry "select * from dual" dbc (jdbc/connection dbspec)] (for [x (range 1000)] (do (println x) (jdbc/fetch dbc qry)))))

hoppy 2016-05-18T21:08:42.000042Z

SQLException ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError (

hoppy 2016-05-18T21:09:01.000043Z

seems fetch doesn't free the statement as expected

hoppy 2016-05-18T21:10:08.000044Z

should there be a with-open in there somewhere?