@niwinz: I believe you broke something in the latest catacumba build. I am running 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. I see you updated ratpack and netty. I am now getting this exception trying to run run-server
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken.isSupertypeOf(Lcom/google/common/reflect/TypeToken;)Z, compiling:(core.clj:41:15)
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken.isSupertypeOf(Lcom/google/common/reflect/TypeToken;)Z
Was not getting that exception yesterday so I am assuming it had to be that change
are you AOT the code?
Just running in the REPL
can you paste your lein deps :tree
Maybe is something related to conflicting stuff
And would be awesome have the full stack trace
you can send me that in private if you prefer
Here is the deps conflict. Generated using boot show -p
seems like the conflict is the guava version
ratpack requires 19.0 but datomic dependecy forces it to 18.0
try to exclude guava from datomic dependency
datomic has some very very old dependencies 😞
Yup excluding guava fixed the problem
This list of exclusions on Datomic grows even larger 😛
this can become a problem, if datomic does not updates its dependencies
@niwinz: Timeframe on catacumba 1.0.0 ?
I'm waiting ratpack 1.4.0
when ratpack 1.4.0 is released, catacumba 1.0.0 will be released
1.0.0-SNAPSHOT is almost ready in fact, just waiting the ratpack release
I see
Did websockets change in the new ratpack or netty? Now getting an exception using socket
hmm strange, it shouldn't
I'll PM you the error