
A channel for discussing and asking questions about Funcool libraries
dhucerbin 2016-12-03T15:42:28.000002Z

@niwinz are there some utils in beicon for creating streams from core.async channels? Or you think there’s no point in such abstraction? Currently I’m crafting such streams by hand and started pondering 🙂

niwinz 2016-12-03T16:57:17.000003Z

@dhucerbin not, for this moment... it will imply have core.async dependency and I don't want add more dependencies to the library. Adapting core.async channels to streams or strams to channels is straightforward so I think it can be done on client code

dhucerbin 2016-12-03T17:05:36.000004Z

Good point. So just use rx/create, and pass rx/end when channel returns nil? Anyway, thanks for such nifty library.

niwinz 2016-12-03T17:17:11.000005Z

Thanks! And yes, rx/create seems adecuate for this case