@ikitommi Hmm, nice idea about vertx-clj
org. When we have many modules stable we can make a propose to include it as official lang (https://github.com/eclipse-vertx/vert.x/issues/2092)
in any case, at least my intention is have bindings for thinks that make sense for clojure, i don't have plans for include all the vert.x stuff
the most immediate example is routing: i'm using reitit-core and sieppari for routing in vertx-clojure
(my repo)
i don't think that wrap vertx router is a good idea having reitit-core
about sql bindings, i have done a similar stuff here: https://github.com/mammutdb/mammutdb/blob/develop/src/mammutdb/util/vertx_pgsql.clj but then i realized that you have done similar stuff on https://github.com/metosin/porsas