

is it possible to inline an import, rather than outputting a literal @import?


or just include some raw CSS (then i can just slurp)

niamu 2016-09-26T22:52:28.000007Z

Yeah, my inclination would be to go with slurp and concatenate that to the generated output of garden.


๐Ÿ˜• using lein garden with :output-to, really would not want to concat


iโ€™m going to look into extending the garden compiler protocols and see if i can inject raw css that way

niamu 2016-09-26T22:54:34.000010Z

ah, I donโ€™t have any experience using anything other than garden.core/css or garden.core/style for output.

niamu 2016-09-26T22:56:37.000011Z

Typically my process is rendering the garden stylesheet to an external file with (css {:output-to โ€œโ€ฆโ€} stylesheet) when the web server first starts rather than relying on any leiningen plugin.

niamu 2016-09-26T22:57:46.000012Z

In which case concatenating to that external file becomes very easy because youโ€™re not in a plugin environment and you can craft the function you need to spit out whatever you like.


well. iโ€™m really not looking to significantly change my build process to eliminate 1 HTTP request. ๐Ÿ™‚


thanks tho

niamu 2016-09-26T23:12:49.000015Z

fair enough ๐Ÿ™‚