@michael.heuberger IIRC, just use double vetor [[a b c]]
@rauh is this documented?
Yea, last <p> in https://github.com/noprompt/garden/wiki/Syntax . @michael.heuberger
@rauh ah, must have missed that out. thanks
but isn’t the syntax weird in the above example? (css [:p {:font [["16px" 'Helvetica] 'Arial ‘sans-serif]}])
shouldn’t the closing ]
be in a different position?
there seems to be another issue: {:animation [[spinner-rotator [[settings/rotator-duration "linear" “infinite”]]]]}
produces this CSS
animation: spinner-rotator 1.4s, linear, infinite {
why the { … }
As for your first question about the closing ]
, where do you think it should be?
not sure. maybe (css [:p {:font [["16px" 'Helvetica 'Arial ‘sans-serif]]}])
The expectation is that there will be a space between the “16px” and “Helvetica”, so they are nested together. The rest is comma separated.
That would produce CSS with all the font families space separated which would be invalid.
oh i see
and the second issue?
I’m still parsing that one.
I think I need more context. I don’t do CSS animations often enough to understand the question.
i ll send you a whole code snippet, one sec
And what do settings/rotator-offset
and settings/rotator-duration
equate to?
(def rotator-offset 157)
(def rotator-duration (s 1.4))
I don’t get the same thing you get when I run that. It evaluates fine.
.path {animation: spinner-dash 1.4s ease-in-out infinite;}
hmm, what code did you use?
The one in the gist
i mean, the garden syntax
(css [:.path {:animation [[spinner-dash (space-join ["1.4s" "ease-in-out" “infinite”])]]}])
oh wait, there is a mistake
let me correct the gist
Which should actually just be (css [:.path {:animation [[spinner-dash "1.4s" "ease-in-out" “infinite”]]}])
I guess.
ok, updated with the double [[ ]]
it is breaking now. give it a try
right, that one
ah … it should be [[spinner-dash "1.4s" "ease-in-out" “infinite”]]
, not [[spinner-rotator [[settings/rotator-duration "linear" “infinite”]]]]
Yeah, too many nested vectors.
got it - learned my lesson
thanks heaps
oh that’s really bad UX. i think that will be a parse error in the near future.
would anyone here be interested in meeting up on google hangouts to discuss how to get involved with the garden codebase?
(can’t at-here :()
i’m just not able to devote as much time to the project as it requires right now.
@noprompt: Yeah I would definitely be interested - I likely won't have time for substantial contributions for the near future, but a few hours here or there would definitely be possible.