
felipebarros 2019-07-02T02:56:47.006500Z

Is there a clever way to integrate Garden and Reagent besides adding classes to the elements and exporting Garden code to its own CSS file? I'm looking for something akin to CSS Modules or CSS-in-JS (CSS-in-CLJS).

felipebarros 2019-07-02T02:58:31.007400Z

But I would be satisfied for now to just be able to use Garden instead of Reagents own {:style {}} pattern to write inline CSS.

noprompt 2019-07-02T04:51:08.008500Z

@anantpaatra The v2.0.0 branch has a function for doing that. If you’re using deps.edn you should be able to use it as a git dependency. The function is called vdom-style:

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noprompt 2019-07-02T04:53:30.010300Z

I’ve been pretty busy with Meander for some time now and I have no idea when I’ll get around to working on Garden again. I think what needs to happen is to ditch the whole 2.0.0 idea and create a new namespace and artifact for the newer code.

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noprompt 2019-07-02T04:56:15.011800Z

garden.core.<something> and then start cutting releases to garden/<something> to get things moving along.

felipebarros 2019-07-02T06:57:45.015Z

I for once have very little idea of why Garden isn't cherished on the same level as Reagent is. Hope you find the time and a healthy way to keep pushing it forward, even if slowly. And thank you for vdom-style, I am using deps.edn so I'll try it out today.

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shaun-mahood 2019-07-02T15:39:56.022600Z

@noprompt Are there any ways we could help move things forward with the new stuff? I've been wanting to start contributing to garden for a while, but I got a bit overwhelmed trying to figure out where to start.

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:22:22.025500Z

@shaun-mahood I think the way forward is what I prescribed above: create a new space to work in. This has worked incredibly well for Meander. When I want to make a “breaking change” I just create a new place to work and release code to the new place.

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noprompt 2019-07-02T16:23:05.026300Z

Meander uses the “greek” theme i.e. meander.*.<greek> for namespaces and meander/<greek> as the release “place”.

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:27:29.028800Z

The greek theme seems weird to retrofit but something with a clear, logical ordering is all I need.

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:30:06.031Z

I’m open to all ideas and collaboration at this point which will help get it out of the “stuck state” its in.

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:31:14.032200Z

My experience with the versioning strategy I’ve been using in Meander has been incredibly liberating though, I will admit, its unclear what the drawbacks to it are beyond the potential to depend on more code.

shaun-mahood 2019-07-02T16:40:02.038400Z

I mean, whatever works best for you is probably the right place to start - I don't want to start putting time into places where my attempts to help are going to take up more of your time than it's worth. I don't think the naming scheme would cause me any problems in my projects, particularly since my garden code is all located in one small area - it does seem a bit confusing to add a place where alpha and beta mean something different, though. I see the appeal of it - I've started naming all my projects after dinosaurs, and it definitely took away the pressure to come up with a good name right at the start.

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noprompt 2019-07-02T16:42:58.041Z

> I’ve started naming all my projects after dinosaurs I love it! 😂

shaun-mahood 2019-07-02T16:43:00.041200Z

To retrofit things, would you just change everything in master to garden.alpha.*, and everything in v2.0.0 to garden.beta.*? Or would it make more sense to go through each function and only add the changed functions to a new beta namespace?

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:44:29.042400Z

Something like that. Off the top of my head I think flowers or, perhaps, painters?

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:46:08.044600Z

The name Garden — and I don’t think this is documented anywhere — came from the “CSS Zen Garden”.

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:46:19.044900Z

Its doubly sarcastic.

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:46:44.045700Z

There’s no “Zen” in authoring CSS in CSS. 🙂

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:47:35.046800Z

Hey, we could use chinese philosophers! smile

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:48:59.048200Z

The “Zen” was supposed to come from authoring CSS in Clojure instead.

shaun-mahood 2019-07-02T16:50:20.050700Z

CSS Zen Garden blew me away when it first came out - made me feel like it was both possible for someone to do and completely impossible for me to do... 🙂

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:50:35.050900Z

Also, I’m in between jobs right now and, if you (and anyone else) would like to meet up on, say, Zoom or Hangouts sometime, we could discuss the project in a more fluid setting.

noprompt 2019-07-02T16:51:17.051600Z

“Public” discussion here is fine too but I thought I’d extend the invitation.

shaun-mahood 2019-07-02T16:52:43.052400Z

Yeah, I'd love to - it would be awesome if we could find one or two more people looking to get involved, too.