
nmkip 2019-12-10T15:06:41.026Z

How do use garden to do something like:

.container input::placeholder {
  color: grey;

dkropfuntucht 2019-12-12T02:45:27.027200Z

it's quite possible the code I provided only works in ClojureScript . The linked solution is much cleaner. Thank you.

dkropfuntucht 2019-12-10T18:56:20.026100Z

I would try:

      {:color "grey"}]]
(this should be pretty close)

nmkip 2019-12-10T23:02:45.026500Z

I think that :something::something-else is invalid syntax. Already solved it like this:

nmkip 2019-12-10T23:02:52.026800Z
