
Hassle-free clojure.spec, automatic generative testing, side effect detection, and evaluation tracing for Clojure(-Script) ā€“
tony.kay 2018-12-08T04:14:12.020800Z Not sure what you did to the reporting, but Iā€™m very pleased. Fulcro-spec (when mocking) checks specs, and in earlier versions the reporting was all hosed and you could not tell what was wrong. Now I get a really nice error:

tony.kay 2018-12-08T04:14:35.021400Z

for a test like this:

(>defn sample [x]
  [int? => int?]

(>defn f [x]
  [int? => int?]
  (sample :x)

(specification "Instrument tests"
    (sample n) => n

     "Sample does stuff"
     (f 33) => 33)))
which makes the testing experience much nicer. Thanks for the improvements.

gnl 2018-12-08T14:57:09.021600Z

A combination of making reporting work in a REPL/non-browser-JS-console environment and overriding the spec-printer with expound by default, so in this case I'm guessing it's the latter. Glad it's working for you!