
Hassle-free clojure.spec, automatic generative testing, side effect detection, and evaluation tracing for Clojure(-Script) –
tony.kay 2019-07-12T01:15:37.005400Z

What do you think of releasing stubs and core under the same artifact name, but use a version suffix to determine which is which, like “0.4.0-stubs”. The reason is that you might want deps to “default” in a library to stubs (that other users see), but be able to use :override-deps in your :dev alias to choose the real version. The way you’ve got it, there is no way for :override-deps to override stubs because it is a diferent artifact

gnl 2019-07-14T12:03:02.000500Z

Not a huge fan, but I do want to pick the most practical approach, so let's think about this for a moment. The plan at the moment is to not have Ghostwheel in your main dependencies, because then :override-deps doesn't work as you pointed out, but rather have both the core version and the stubs artifact in your :extra-deps in your respective dev and prod profiles.

tony.kay 2019-07-14T18:54:29.000100Z

right, because it it is a cljc file, and I need to be able to select which I’m using when I run a dev vs prod build with shadow-cljs. Don’t really care too much on the clj side if it isn’t stubs, because they disable by default.

tony.kay 2019-07-14T18:55:37.000400Z

and shadow doesn’t have a way to select which deps for prod or dev because the assumption there is that prod is a post-step and deps don’t matter

gnl 2019-07-15T12:09:52.000100Z

Ah, this rings a bell. I believe I had a conversation with Thomas about the stubs thing a few months ago and he didn't like it. So just to confirm, am I understanding / remembering correctly that with Shadow there is no way to do the separate :extra-deps setup that I have in mind but that :override-deps would work, so a stub version of the main artifact would sort it out?

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:35:11.000400Z

Let me retry the cases…my brain is failing to remember what I was thinking 4 days ago

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:35:48.000700Z

but the crux, yes, is that :override-deps won’t work if the artifacts have diff names. Thomas is a smart guy, so if he had suggestions they’re probably better than mine 🙂

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:37:19.001Z

I have to publish Fulcro referring to one or the other or it won’t compile for ppl, and pushing non-stubs ghostwheel to unsuspecting users might cause them misery.

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:38:09.001300Z

so I have to publish with stubs…but I guess they could use exclusions…but then if it comes in from lots of places, that’s a lot of exclusions

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:38:23.001500Z

which means they possibly (and easily) end up with both stubs and non-stubs

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:38:27.001700Z

which is quite ugly

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:40:21.001900Z

Another option is to leverage the JVM option more to toggle the macros into various states, with the default being stubs.

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:41:48.002100Z

and when I think about it again: the biggest deal was gw/>def, not the stubs lib: since the macros already stub themselves out, don’t they? So, if >def was being used in your lib and mine, and no -Dghostwheel.enabled was there, then everything could just stub, and DCE will get rid of unused functions.

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:42:23.002300Z

so, revisiting it: I don’t think we need the stubs lib now that we have gw/>def…I think that solves most of the issue (assuming you use it on your own specs)

tony.kay 2019-07-15T14:43:02.002500Z

and unless you’re supporting bootstrapped cljs, the macros themselves need to be in :clj clauses for minimal size I think.

gnl 2019-07-15T15:55:00.002700Z

Problem is that a lot of people use simple rather than advanced compilation in production and even with advanced compilation, DCE has been occasionally unreliable in the past. And with the additional dependencies the main artifact pulls in, I much prefer to do this with stubs—there's much less that can go wrong there. I see your problem now though and I'm pretty much sold on your previous suggestion, that is to make the stubs a version rather than a separate artifact. That being said, you can still have Ghostwheel disabled and rely on DCE instead, but I probably won't recommend it in the docs.

gnl 2019-07-15T15:56:14.002900Z

Can you think of any issues with adding random suffixes to an artifact version? I've only seen/used -SNAPSHOT in the past and I don't know if that's just a special case or if any random suffix is supported with no issues.

gnl 2019-07-15T16:03:17.003100Z

Apparently any qualifier is possible and generally considered to be an older version than the qualifier-less one, which is perfect.

👍 1