Another solution: clone the repository locally on your computer, then refer to the processor tool via :local/root
src/app/.#core.cljs: :boom: parse error!
[:app] Compiling ...
src/app/core.cljs: [:scream: dark:] [- dark:bg-gray-700] [+ bg-gray-700]
src/app/.#core.cljs: :boom: parse error!
Ok cool, I got the latest version, now this though.Cool 🙂
I will do something about those .# files at some point.
just updated my repo
[clojure.core :refer [spit]]
is not required in the ns
clojure.core is required by default.
Huh, I guess it works. For some reason I thought i got an error related to that, so I changed it.
Girouette v0.0.2 was released.