@wcohen can you elaborate?
as it stands, citysdk (aka census-geojson) should be able to be used in both clojure and clojurescript (I deliberately chose deps to be cross-platform), but I have never published anything to Clojars before. I would be happy to support a PR that made the lib Clojure/script lib deployment ready if you would be willing to chaperone the development.
might not be the right place, it may be too low level — but i am trying to work on building up the world of gis analysis in clojure or clojurescript. Right now, all geo does is read in geojsons. I’m working on https://github.com/willcohen/ovid/blob/master/src/ovid/io.clj and some real basic https://github.com/willcohen/aurelius/blob/master/src/aurelius/census.clj stuff in clojure-clojure (though once geo gets to cljs, i’ll try to get those working on both as well.)
1) just as a comment, i can’t believe i haven’t heard of citysdk before seeing as how i work with census data in clojure all the time professionally, but i think it is really awesome, so thanks -- and 2) is there something that you see as a missing piece that sits outside the scope of citysdk (but that, say, R’s acs
does) and would be useful for end users?)
that’s a good first idea — once i get geo working a little bit between the two i might give that a shot. being able to ask about census geographies in plain clojure without having to fuss entirely around the API and build that up in parallel would be quite neat
We have a pretty active little community on Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/uscensusbureau/shared_invite/zt-99lfnpsz-YYpaXy5vOSFMlVibmFMTig you may want to ask some of the members of the various language channels. I believe that R and Python are currently the most popular languages for Census data users...
lovely. thanks so much and nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too!