@qqq You know what? I’m an idiot. I did a project with realtime requirements in 2016 using Google’s Cloud. And it was pretty easy to do. I used Google Realtime (durrr…) https://developers.google.com/google-apps/realtime/overview
You should check it out. We use it where I work right now. Every day.
I totally forgot about it because that was like 5 projects ago 😞
@nickbauman : hmm, so this is free because it's GDrive only? I'm actually okay with that since Goog's paying for the storage too.
Not sure about pricing.
for a radically different approach, see https://github.com/migae
Wish there were an OSS implementation of Operational Transform as a Service.
migae is still very much under dev, haven't been able to work on it for months, but I'm gearing up to get to 1.0 this winter/spring.
lots of doc there (possibly outdated, natch). a key differentiator wrt datastore: no "defentity" etc. gae entities are just maps, and and migae treats them as such. keys are just vectors of namespaced symbols. so (in theory) the implementation details of gae are completely hidden.
That's really awesome, @mobileink !
the more the merrier!
God bless Closure's meta-programming facilities!
I also see value in being able to decouple from defentity, even though I see value in it. I plan to allow an either/or option.
Yes indeed
@nickbauman I'll look at your stuff, you look at mine, maybe we can collab.
luv the closure community!
other thing: dunno how you're doing it, but it's a pain to get the age test stuff running. if you look at https://github.com/migae/boot-gae you'll see how i do it. rather complicated for gae, because of the security constraints. I've just started to split out the servlet/filter stuff into a separate gae-independent lib.