
Google Cloud Platform: Clojure + {GAE, GCE, anything else on Google Platform}
qqq 2017-02-05T00:44:21.000952Z

what? mem-cache is free?

qqq 2017-02-05T00:44:54.000953Z

qqq 2017-02-05T00:45:06.000954Z

appears to be charging gigabytes / hour -- but maybe that is traffic out to internet

qqq 2017-02-05T00:53:55.000955Z

@mobileink : it looks like mem-cache is just "slightly more persistent memory" for appengine, and you're charged GB-HRs

qqq 2017-02-05T19:32:27.000956Z

what jar provides: ?

qqq 2017-02-05T21:38:04.000957Z

@mobileink: oh, actually I have a backend working in hy, with hy2py

qqq 2017-02-05T21:38:24.000958Z

so I can use a sorta-lisp language, and there's even no "hy interpreter" cost, since "hy -> transpiled into py -> gae runss py code"

qqq 2017-02-05T21:38:47.000959Z

so my choices are either (1) minimal clojure or (2) hy


given that, i'm not sure why you need clojure at all. except that it's kinda cool.

qqq 2017-02-05T21:40:59.000961Z

the main reason I prefer Clojure over Hy is that using the same langauge on client/server side will allow me to (1) share some spec-checked data models and (2) may eliminate whole classes of json errors


are you thinking of rewriting your backend in clj instead of hy?

qqq 2017-02-05T21:42:43.000963Z

I don't have a backend yet.

qqq 2017-02-05T21:42:55.000964Z

I was deciding Clj vs Hy, but currently am in favor of Clj.


i must have misgrokked, i thought your already had sth in hy.

qqq 2017-02-05T21:43:20.000966Z

I'm using datascript + re-frame on the client side, and I think if I use Clj on the server side, I can do some really neat stuff with datascript.

qqq 2017-02-05T21:43:40.000967Z

I have a very very minimal example in Hy, about an afternoon's work, to see if I could get Hy to run on the Py backend.

qqq 2017-02-05T21:43:51.000968Z

I also have a shit ton of Hy machine learning code, but not much Hy GAE code.


ah, ok, you're deciding which way to go?

qqq 2017-02-05T21:44:29.000970Z

I think we had an earlier conversation, where I mentioned all my Machine Learning / GCE code was using Hy, which was making me consdier if I wanted to do GAE in Hy too.


ok, yes i remember now.


but you're looking at minimal processing on gae, right? to be handed off to your hy stuff running elsewhere?

qqq 2017-02-05T21:47:22.000973Z

Most of the ML stuff are either (1) offline training or (2) trained models running on client's browser.

qqq 2017-02-05T21:47:31.000974Z

GAE will not be taking to GCE all that much.


i understand you want the gae stuff running as fast as possible, and it does not do complex, expensive processing?

qqq 2017-02-05T21:49:19.000976Z

GAE stuff does NOT do expensive computation. It's literally a thin layer over datastore and just checks for permissions.


so it sounds like the question is which language is the best fit. assume java will be faster than clojure, then: is it faster than python, or some other gae language option? my guess is you get the best performance out of java. that could possibly mean aot-compiled clojure, but then you need the clojure jar.


if it were me, based on your description, i'd just go with java. it sounds like the code would be relatively simple and stable.


sounds like a classic case where all the groovy benefits of Clojure do not apply. sounds like good material for a case study.


re: your msg on boot about 3 libs, clojure, servlet and appengine api: i'm away from my machine so can't test, but you should not need the servlet and appengine jars, no? only for :scope test. gae is a servlet container, you should not need to upload either of those jars, no?


make that :scope provided, i think.


and can i just vent a little bit about how profoundly stupid maven scopes are? they assume a single execution env. what if foo.jar is "provided" by the prod env but not the dev env?

👍 1

then you have to have two configs, one for dev/test, one for prod.


maybe i am misunderstanding sth, it's happened before.