
Google Cloud Platform: Clojure + {GAE, GCE, anything else on Google Platform}
qqq 2017-02-22T08:49:18.001113Z

we need ot work with gae

qqq 2017-02-22T09:11:27.001115Z

@mobileink @nickbauman : gentlemen, you have to look at untangled


qqq: not so crazy about frameworks, personally. i much prefer composition that i csn control.

qqq 2017-02-23T20:55:59.001134Z

untangled is something else

qqq 2017-02-23T20:56:18.001136Z

I don't fully grasp it yet; but this is fucking brilliant and is the future.



qqq 2017-02-23T20:56:35.001140Z

It's storage model also directly mirrors Datastore.

qqq 2017-02-23T20:56:59.001142Z

It's hard to describe; give me a week or two to get back to you on this

qqq 2017-02-23T20:57:08.001144Z

but I can already feel new brain cells growing as I learn untangled.

qqq 2017-02-23T20:57:37.001146Z

The best way I can describe it is that it's like going from qbasic -> scheme; or going from old UI -> react.


maybe. personally i'm betting on i think react etc. will soon be obsolete.


they'll survive but in a very different form.

qqq 2017-02-23T20:58:58.001153Z

lol, is this like npm for gui elements? where for each new gui element, you pull in a library?


dunno about npm for gui, but yes, if you need a component, that's just another dependency, no different than any other.


that's all clojure libs are, just components.


of course, web components must be clojurized, but i believe i have that problem solved. ;)


redarding data storage, i can pull in whatever i want as a dependency/component; why do i need a framework?

qqq 2017-02-22T09:11:33.001116Z

this is going to be amazing

domparry 2017-02-22T14:07:50.001117Z


nickbauman 2017-02-22T16:06:38.001118Z

Looks interesting. I’m not sure about Om-next though. It seems really complicated.

nickbauman 2017-02-22T16:06:52.001119Z

I could be convinced, though.