
Google Cloud Platform: Clojure + {GAE, GCE, anything else on Google Platform}

I didn't realise datasplash was still being actively used/developed


god I really want to find the time to release out clojure/dataflow adapter 😞

domparry 2017-10-06T16:13:22.000145Z

Datasplash is amazing. Would love to see what you guys have too.


we took a fairly different approach. iirc datasplash relies on gen-class/aot and catching not loaded exceptions so it can pass around real functions etc. we found that more error-prone and magic than we liked. instead we turn vars #'foo or a vector with [#'foo partially applied values] into a serializable payload that a dofn knows how to load the code for and invoke


side benefit to that is our code working without gen-class/aot


though in practice we still aot all for production because it speeds up code load

fellshard 2017-10-06T17:48:24.000131Z

Anything that provides more documentation than the Java Dataflow SDK's hellish lack of discoverability would be much better


lol, well no sorry "Great Documentation" is not and never will be on our list of priorities even for our adapter let alone documenting someone else's project

fellshard 2017-10-06T22:48:08.000238Z

Pretty sure a Clojure adapter may not even have the category of issues the Java SDK does, in terms of manually having to discover which classes are intended to be used in which contexts.